Essential Oils: Sage

Cleveland Sage (Salvia clevelandii)
Cultivated in Sedona, but a native to Southern California.
Distilled at the height of flowering in early Summer, its
aroma is highly camphoraceous and sweet. This complex
oil is diaphoretic, antitussive, mucolytic, and anti-infectious.
It is also anagesic and anti-inflammatory, and can be diluted
and used topically for burns. This oil should not be used by
those with a sensitivity to camphor, and/or pregnant or
lactating women.

White Sage (Salvia apiana) fresh
Cultivated in the Verde Valley (4,500 ft. elevation) and
distilled fresh towards the end of flowering. This is the
classic ceremonial sage, used for cleansing and clearing by
smoke (smudging). The aroma is penetrating and clears the
head/ mind. It is highly mucolytic, analgesic, antiinflammatory,
immunostimulating, diaphoretic, carminative,
memory enhancing, and contains virtually no camphor. Can
be diluted and used topically for burns, or flatulence. Should not be used by pregnant or
lactating women.