Essential Oils: Junipers and Cypress
JUNIPERS: Juniper is known for its antirheumatic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, analgesic,
diuretic, anti-infectious, and astringent qualities. The following 7 species of Juniper
are native to Arizona. Their environments, appearances, aromas and chemistries
vary greatly. While there is a great deal of overlap in the therapeutic uses of these
oils, we have attempted to highlight some of their differences.

Alligator Juniper (Juniperus deppeana)
Gathered on the Mogollon Rim, Coconino National Forest
(5,000+ elevation). The tree is named for itʼs bumpy
textured bark. The needles and berries have a bright and
clean, somewhat lemony scent. This Juniper has strong
mucolytic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiviral
properties. Effective diluted in a blend for a head cold.
Should be avoided by those with a sensitivity to camphor.

Alligator Juniper Wood (Juniperus depeanna)
Gathered in the Prescott and Coconino National Forests by George Pynn of,
from long standing dead trees, 500- 1,500 years old (the
older the wood, the richer the aroma!). This thick, fixative oil
has deep, sweet and smoky notes. It is truly an incense of
the Southwest. Sedating, tonifying, anti-inflammatory, antifungal,
and grounding. Blend with other oils to increase their
skin penetration and prolong their aromas.

NEW!!! Lightning Struck Alligator Juniper Wood Oil (Juniperus depeanna)
This batch of Lightning Struck Alligator Juniper wood oil is from a tree that was around 650 years old. Lightning struck wood is prized in many cultural traditions as a talisman for protection and transformation. The oil from this wood is extremely grounding. After all, that is exactly what the tree did for the lightning! The oil has a thick consistency and is just on the edge of being heavier than water. It has a relaxing, warm, smoky aroma, which evokes a feeling of connection to the ancient highlands of the Southwest. Needless to say, this is a finite limited batch!

Arizona Juniper (Juniperus arizonicus)
Also known as Redberry juniper. We gather this juniper
in Sedona and the Verde Valley (4,000- 5,000
elevation), when fully loaded with berries. The needles
and berries have a mildly sweet, but strong turpentine
scent. Immune stimulating, anti-inflammatory, antiinfectious.
Diluted and apply topically for bladder
irritation. Should be avoided by those with a sensitivity
to camphor.

California Juniper (Juniperus californica)
The needles and berries from this tree contain a
relatively high level of citronellol, from western Arizona (4,500 ft.
elevation). This juniper has citrus overtones. It is a
strong anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antifungal, antiviral, antispasmodic
and mucolytic. Perfect in an antifungal blend for
aching feet. Should be avoided by those with a sensitivity to

Common Juniper (Juniperus communis var. depressa)
Gathered on the Kaibab Plateau (8,500+ elevation). This low
growing juniper is loaded with dark blue berries, and has the
distinction of having true needles (all of the other Arizona junipers
have scaled needles). The aroma is clean and sparkling. An antiinfectious,
rubifacient, analgesic, all purpose juniper. Great for
topical use in a massage blend.

One Seed Juniper (Juniperus monosperma)
Gathered at the Cinder Cones, East of Flagstaff (7,000+
elevation). This juniper is prevalent on the Navajo
Reservation and is often burned for ash to be added to corn
bread for added minerals. Interestingly enough, itʼs aroma is
vegetal and ʻfood likeʼ. Anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious,
antispasmodic, and tonifying. Dilute and apply topically in a
blend with Sand Sage for indigestion. Very low camphor.

Rocky Mountain Juniper (Juniperus scopulorum)
Gathered on the Mogollon Rim (7,000+ elevation). Also
known as Weeping Juniper, for itʼs soft branches that hang
down. The aroma has minor citrus overtones.
Antirheumatic, antiarthritic, and analgesic. Only a trace
amount of camphor. An excellent choice to dilute and apply
topically for joint pain and stiffness.

Utah Juniper (Juniperus osteosperma)
Gathered mainly in the Sedona area (4,500 ft. elevation).
Containing Borneol and Terpinene-4-ol, this juniper has a warm, spicy, long lasting aroma, which
increases in sweetness and complexity as it ages. Mucolytic,
antitussive, immune stimulating, anti-inflammatory, and antiinfectious.
Perfect for a head and chest cold. Dilute and
massage into shoulders, neck and chest. Should be avoided
by those with a sensitivity to camphor.

NEW! Arizona Cypress (Cupressus Arizonca)
Collected in Sedona. It is rare for us to be able to distill this oil, as most of the trees are located in protected areas. This is one of the most aromatically powerful oils that we distill. The aroma is green and vegetal, and is clearing to the sinuses. The foliage of this tree is used as a potent herbal anti fungal and anti viral. For external use only! Contains ketones and should not be used by pregnant women and those with neurological sensitivities.

NEW! Italian Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens)
Collected in Sedona. This is another non native species (clearly!) that does well in this region. This EO has a beautiful clarifying aroma, and its therapeutic properties are well known to aromatherapy. It is decongesting for the respiratory system, and tonifying for varicose veins and cellulite.