Essential Oils: Mints
The following mints are not found in great abundance and we are careful in our harvesting to never take too much. Therefore, our supplies are limited.

Bergamot Mint (Mentha citrata)
Found in just one waterway in the Verde Valley, this mint has also successfully naturalized. The complex and intriguing aroma is a combination of Clary Sage, Mint and Citrus (which reveals itself last). It is a mildly hormonal oil, potentially helpful in relieving perimenopausal symptoms.

Peppermint, Wild (Mentha x piperita) SOLD OUT FOR NOW
Naturalized and growing wild in the Verde Valley (4,000 ft).
Early in the season (pre flowering) it has a sweet candy
cane aroma. During flowering, it takes on a sharper,
chocolatey note that is reminiscent of a peppermint patty.
Diluted and used topically it is a wonderful cooling digestive, and
headache remedy.

Rosemary Mint (Poliomentha incana) SOLD OUT FOR NOW
Gathered in the high desert of Northern Arizona (4,500 ft. elevation),
during Fall flowering. The oil is complex with many chemical
components, which is reflected in the aroma. It is
reminiscent of a buttermint, with sage and floral notes. Antipyretic, antirheumatic, antihistaminic, antiasthmatic,
antibacterial, mucolytic. Contains ketones,
should not be used by pregnant or lactating women, and
should only be used under the guidance of a Clinical

Spearmint (Mentha spicata) wild
Naturalized and growing wild in the Verde Valley (4,000 ft).
Gathered during flowering, this lovely oil has chocolatey
overtones. Antiemetic, febrifuge, carminative, analgesic. A
wonderful oil to dilute and apply topically to ease a childʼs
pain from stomach flu.