Essential Oils: Rabbitbrushes
The following species and varieties of Ericameria have complex chemistries and unique aromas.

NEW! Goldenbush (Larch leaf) (Ericameria laricifolia)
Collected in Sedona. This plant is used herbally as a topical antimicrobial for slow healing wounds, and for the relief of muscle and menstrual cramps. The EO has a clearing and bright, slightly citrus peel aroma, and can be used topically for the above mentioned conditions. Antimicrobial, antispasmodic.

NEW! Mohave Rabbitbrush (Ericameria paniculata)
Collected in the eastern Mohave desert, near Kingman, AZ. While we can find no recorded use of this specific Rabbitbrush, other species in the area were broadly traditionally used as gastrointestinal, gynecological, dermatological and respiratory aids. The aroma is sweet and warm, with notes of cumin and licorice, and very similar to Snakeweed, which is also known as a panacea plant.

Rabbitbrush (Ericameria nauseosa var. graveolens)
Gathered in the high desert of Northern Arizona (4,500 ft. elevation), while
flowering in the Fall. This variety has a distinct dill weed and
turmeric root aroma. Dilute (1 drop in a teaspoon of carrier
oil or aloe vera gelly) and apply topically for indigestion.

Rabbitbrush (Ericameria nauseosa var. hololeuca)
Gathered on the cinder cones associated with the San Francisco Peaks,
Flagstaff (7,500 ft. elevation). This variety is similar in size and
appearance to var graveolens, but it is chemically and aromatically
quite different! It's 152 components include geranyl and citranellyl
acetates which give it a fruity top note. The complex aroma includes
hints of pear and dill weed. This oil is a great digestive stimulant,
with pain relieving and anti fungal benefits as well.

Rabbitbrush (Ericameria nauseosa var. oreophila)
Gathered east of the San Francisco Peaks, Flagstaff (6,500 ft.
elevation). This hearty variety has many uses. Aromatic notes of dill,
turmeric, and pine, suggest its use as a digestive aid. It's complex
chemistry contains high levels of b-phellandrene and limonene, which
also contribute to its anti fungal and immune supportive qualities.
Dilute and apply topically for indigestion, sore muscles and joints, and
fungal infections.