Essential Oils from Jamaica
Each Jamaican essential oil is small batch, artisan steam distilled at Yerba Buena Farm, a Rastafarian, sustainable living farm on the north shore of Jamaica. All plants are unsprayed and natural, with the exception of the Sweet Orange trees, which are unsprayed but may be fertilized because they are cultivated.
Artwork by Sophia Licher
The name for the new label “Love and Light” comes out of the friendship with Agape (Love, in Greek) Adams, from Yerba Buena Farm, and myself, Clare (Bright, in Latin, also Light). Our friendship began in 2016 when I traveled to Jamaica for a Partners of the Americas, Farmer-2-Farmer volunteer assignment. I was hosted by Yerba Buena Farm and we conducted four free essential oil distillation trainings for the public. This time also began our work together, which is still growing and evolving.
Read about our trip to Jamaica >>

Allspice Berry (Pimenta dioica)
The name “Allspice” is derived from the aroma of the leaves and berries which smell like a combination of Nutmeg, Clove and Cinnamon. The berries are wildcrafted, native to Jamaica and have a delicious, sweet and spicy scent. The eugenol content of the oil increases toward the north shore of the island (where this oil is from). Used traditionally for colds, menstrual cramps, dyspepsia and indigestion. Allspice berry essential oil also promotes circulation, is an analgesic for muscle aches and neuralgia, and is highly antifungal, anti bacterial, and antiviral. This oil is hot, and must be well diluted for topical use.

Cinnamon Leaf (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
Cinnamon trees have naturalized in Jamaica, but are not cultivated. Therefore the leaves are collected for medicinal use, rather than risking the health of the trees by harvesting their bark. This essential oil has a wonderfully sweet, cinnamon chewing gum aroma, and is a potent antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-proliferative and diaphoretic. Must be well diluted for topical use.

Guava Leaf (Psidium guajava)
Guavas are evergreen shrubs or small trees, that are native to the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America, and northern South America. The essential oil of the leaves has a complex aroma, slightly peppery, with a hint of fruityness. It is a fantastic travelers oil, as it is gastroprotective, hepatoprotective, anti-diarrheal, antihypertensive, antispasmodic, antifungal, antibacterial, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and UV protective.

Jamaican Wild Mint (Satureja viminea)
This native of Central America has naturalized and grows wild in Jamaica, where it is a culinary and medicinal herb. It is often called Peppermint, because the aroma is much like a butter mint, but it is actually one of the lesser known Saturejas (Savorys). Used traditionally for gastric upsets and flu symptoms, this oil can be diluted and used topically as a digestive, carminative, mild sedative and expectorant. Contains some pulegone, and should be avoided by pregnant women.

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)
This native of Southeast Asia has naturalized beautifully, and is wildcrafted in Jamaica. It is known as Fevergrass in Jamaica because it is used medicinally as a febrifuge. The aroma of the essential oil has an immediately uplifting effect, and its properties include anti-inflammatory, carminative, gastro and hepatoprotective, anagesic, sedative, diuretic, antifungal, antimycobacterial, and antimalarial.

Nutmeg with Mace (Myristica fragrans)
Nutmeg is an evergreen tree, that grows up to 65 ft high. It originates in the Mollucas, or Spice Islands of Indonesia, but has been cultivated in Grenada, and grows wild in Jamaica. The shell of the Nutmeg seed is covered with the brightly colored aromatic Mace. This essential oil of Nutmeg and Mace distilled together has the sweet, smooth, buttery aroma of the nutmeg, with a more delicate top note from the mace. It is relaxing, sedating, highly carminative and helpful for many digestive disorders including cramping and bloating. Its temperature is warm, but not hot, and supports circulation. Diluted and applied topically, it is also wonderful for menstrual cramps, and in massage blends. ON SALE NOW - LIMITED SUPPLIES - SAVE $10 OFF 5ml and $20 OFF 15ml bottles

Nutmeg Leaf (Myristica fragrans)
This rare oil has a sweet, spicy and expansive aroma, with a bright, slightly citrusy top note. It has relaxing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and digestive properties. Perfect for massage, soothing joint pain, or as a unique addition to a perfume blend.

Sweet Orange Peel (Citrus x sinesis)
These oranges are from unsprayed, cultivated trees, and orange candy aroma of their essential oil is fully imbued with sweet, bright, Jamaican sunshine. Highly uplifting! Potent antiviral, anti fungal, tonifying, and relaxing properties.

Sweetwood Leaf (Nectranda coriacea)
Sweetwood is native to the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America and the SE North America. It is a wild evergreen tree in the Lauraceae family. This rare oil has a complex, long lasting, bright and soothing scent, that is both relaxing and invigorating at the same time. It is reminiscent of walking in the inland forest of Jamaica, with all of it’s many layers of aroma.