Essential Oil Co-distills

Alligator Juniper Wood and Yarrow Sold out for now.
These plants grow together on the Mogollon Rim. The smoky aroma of the Juniper Wood is dominant, but rounded out with the Yarrow. The Juniper Wood oil enhances both the skin penetration and the benefits of the Yarrow. Soothing for joint pain, ligament pain and carpal tunnel, eases nervous tension and chest tightness from anxiety.

Alligator Juniper Wood, Yarrow and Ponderosa Needle Sold out for now.
Growing together in the Ponderosa woodlands of the Mogollon Rim, these plants enhance each other and are broadly beneficial. The addition of the Ponderosa Needle (no branch tips) brings respiratory support and muscle tension relief.

NEW! Chaparral/Pinyon co-distill (Larrea tridentata / Pinus edulis)
Collected in the Verde Valley, from plants growing next to each other. Although Chaparral is highly aromatic, it does not produce essential oil through steam distillation. The volatile compounds are bound up in the waxy and resinous leaves. The Pinyon Pine EO in this case, appears to act as a solvent and carrier for the Chaparral, while brightening the aroma and adding its own sweetness. This co-distillation was inspired by Eric Bresselsmith, from House of Aromatics, who does many creative co-distills. Chaparral has been used traditionally to aid liver metabolism, and as an anti bacterial first aid treatment for the skin. This EO is for external use only, and is a great topical anti septic and anti microbial.

NEW! Yerba Santa/Pinyon co-distill (Eriodictyon angustifolia/ Pinus edulis)
Collected in the Verde Valley, from plants growing next to each other. Like Chaparral, the volatile compounds in Yerba Santa are not readily available through steam distillation. Pinyon pine does a beautiful job of carrying the Yerba Santa aroma with its essential oil. Yerba Santa has been used herbally as an expectorant and respiratory aid for coughs, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and asthma. Combined with Pinyon pine, the EO is an aromatically wonderful chest cold and congestion remedy. Dilute and use topically or diffuse.