Essential Oils: Artemisias and Ambrosia

NEW! Bursage (slim leaf) (Ambrosia confertiflora)
Collected in Sedona, but grows abundantly in the Southwest and Northern Mexico. The aroma is herbaceous, earthy, warm and mildly sweet. This plant has been used traditionally for intestinal pain and cramps, sore joints and skin irritations. The EO used topically is both anti spasmodic and anti bacterial.

Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) Sold out for now.
A ubiquitous high desert artemisia, gathered at Red Butte,
near the South Rim of the Grand Canyon (7,000 ft.). The
aroma is very powerful, as are itʼs therapeutic qualities.
Antimicrobial, antifungal, antiparasitic, analgesic and
mucolytic. Contains ketones, should not be used by
pregnant or lactating women, and should only be used
under the guidance of a Clinical Aromatherapist.

Sand Sage (Artemisia filifolia) ON SALE!
Gathered in the high desert of Northern Arizona (4,500 ft. elevation). The
aroma is herbaceous, slightly reminiscent of Davana, with a
refreshing top note. It is a classic desert scent, with an
expansive quality which reflects the landscape from which it
arises. Antispasmodic and carminative (excellent for
indigestion), mucolytic and expectorant. Contains minor
amounts of camphor and ethers. Use under the guidance of
a Clinical Aromatherpist.